tel: 407-574-7368


Irresistible Garlicky

Strengthening Body and Mind


     1. Blood pressure

     2. Cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease

     3. Arthritis

     4. Hormone Problems

     5. Allergies

     6. Anemia

     7. Vascular and Respiratory Health


     1. Immune system

     2. Bone Mineral Density

     3. Healthy Fats and Amino Acids Intake

     4. Nutrient Absorption

     5. Digestive Tract

     6. Metabolism and Weight Loss

     7. Skin Health and Protection

     8. Vitamin E Activity

iTahiny helps in:

iTahiny Benefits

Irresistible Tahini (iTahiny) is a delicious dip that compliments your favorite dishes and enhances the taste for all types of meats, especially fish.

Tahini has been popular in the Middle East and North Africa for thousands of years.  Nowadays it is used as a key ingredient in hummus recipes, baba ghanoush, halva and as a  delicious dip all on its own.

iTahiny is a sesame seeds based dip. The fact that the seeds are toasted first, this gives it a more enjoyable nutty, delicate and earthy taste that you'll love.

In order to produce a natural flavor, iTahiny combines irresistible, fresh and healthy ingredients such as:

sesame seeds, garlic, lemon juice and salt.

Since sesame seed is the main ingredient of iTahiny.  this dip has numerous benefits that can improve your health in general and skin in particular.