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Irresistible Garlicky

Strengthening Body and Mind

iEggplanty Nutritional Properties

iEggplanty consists of several ingredients such as: roasted eggplant, ground sesame seeds, oil, lemon juice and garlic.  It is distinguished by its highly pleasant taste and it is packed with the following nutrients: Fiber, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, folate, copper, potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, manganese, phosphorus.

While garlic's nutritional properties are detailed in another section of our website, iEggplanty's main ingredient, eggplant, adds the following nutritional properties:


Vitamin K ("antihemorhagic vitamin") is an important fat-soluble vitamin known as  the "blood-clotting vitamin" and it has a distinct role for cardiovascular system and bone health.

There are actually two main forms of vitamin K that we acquire from our diets: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.  Additionally, there is a synthetic version of vitamin K which is called vitamin K3.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, vitamin K helps produce four of the 13 proteins needed for blood clotting.  


Folate, known as vitamin B-9, is found in numerous foods including vegetables, cereals, eggs, and fruit.

Folate is one of the B-vitamins.  It plays an important role in the making of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow as well as in the production of DNA and RNA.  It also assist in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy.

Adequate folate intake is extremely important during periods of rapid growth such as pregnancy, infancy, and adolescence.


After Calcium, Phosphorus is the second most plentiful mineral in your body.  The body needs phosphorus for many functions, such as filtering waste and repairing tissue and cells.

Certain health conditions (such as diabetes and alcoholism) or medications (such as some antacids) can cause phosphorus levels in the body to drop too low.  On the other hand, phosphorus levels that are too high or too low can cause medical complications, such as heart disease, joint pain, or fatigue.

iEggplanty Nutrition