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Garlic Beauty Tips

After reading multiple articles about benefits of Garlic, Quora listed numerous benefits that I considered useful to share on our Blog.  In adidition to all the incredible health benefits,  garlic can enhance your external beauty.  All of these beauty tips can be done easily from the comfort of your home.

Skin Benefits  and Hair Benefits of Garlic

Cure Pimple and Acne - Anti-bacterial properties of garlic; fight infections and microbes to ward off free radicals and pimples. Just grind some garlic pods and squeeze the juice out of this paste and apply this juice on affected area for 15 minutes. Then wash off completely with cold water. Repeat this process daily to see visible results in just 7 days. 

Remove Moles and Warts - Rub one clove of fresh raw garlic on your mole and warts on a regular basis and moles might fall off naturally. Raw Garlic Helps Soothe Psoriasis - Psoriasis is caused by inflammation and garlic is anti-inflammatory, therefore it may help to control psoriasis. 

Use Garlic to Treat Blackheads -Garlic contains polyphenols that control oil secretion. It is favorable for your skin if you crush garlic and apply this mask on the affected areas for few minutes and rub gently to remove blackheads.  

Anti-aging Effects - Eating raw garlic prevents premature wrinkles and keeps your skin young. Garlic contains anti-oxidants that prevent free radicals. Spread few spoons of honey with 3-4 cloves of garlic crushed on face. Let this concoction stay on face for ten minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.  

Use Garlic Oil to Remove Stretch Marks - The sulfur present in garlic benefits in lightening the unwanted stretch marks. It purifies the blood and enhances the elasticity of skin, thereby, help in removing stretch marks. Apply hot garlic oil on your stretch marks and you will see difference in appearance of stretch marks

Garlic Benefits in Improving Nail Health - Beauty of nail can be improved with using garlic oil. Just massage hot garlic oil on your cuticles and leave it on overnight. It helps to prevent your fingernails from becoming fragile and brittle. It also removes the yellowness from the nails. 

Treat Dry and Flaky Skin - Dry skin problem is common among people of all age groups. You can make a face pack with few cloves of garlic and olive oil. Apply this all over the affected ares and you will find irresistible smooth and supple skin naturally.

Fairness Mask Using Garlic - 2-3 spoons of garlic juice, one spoon of honey, one spoon of oatmeal and 1 spoon of lemon juice mixed together is an excellent homemade fairness mask. Apply on your face for 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Garlic Benefits for Hair - Eating raw garlic or using it topically is a great aid in making your hair silky, healthy and beautiful. Read on to know some benefits of garlic for hair. 

Garlic Helps in Hair Growth - Rich in allicin, garlic helps in proper blood circulation in your scalp which leads to hair growth. Taking raw garlic in your diet lets your hair breathe as well as make your hair silky, healthy and lustrous. 

Remove Dandruff - Garlic's anti-fungal properties make it a perfect cure for removing dandruff permanently from your scalp and treat dry and flaky scalp. Just boil some garlic bulbs in water and let it simmer for few minutes. Let this mixture cool down and strain this mixture and rinse your hair with solution to remove dandruff. 

Garlic might Prevent Hair Fall - Garlic has natural anti-oxidants which remove toxins from your body. Garlic is an effective treatment for hair loss. Soak up few garlic pods in olive oil for few days. And strain this mixture and apply this oil on your hair to prevent excessive hair loss. 

Home Remedy for Premature Hair Graying - Garlic can effectively treat the problem of premature graying of hair. Add 3-4 cloves of garlic to heated coconut oil. Let this mixture cool down and use this oil on your hair regularly and you will see the difference surely.